If you are wanting to slow the pace of your life so that you can enjoy the beauty that is all around, you will love today’s episode with Annemarie Stolting.
We talk about
- Being a model of how to live for our children
- How scrolling on social media isn’t the down time you might think it is
- How to expand time and fit more into your day without more stress
- Creating a morning routine to start your day
- The flow on effect that giving to yourself, gives to others
- Brining intention into your daily routine
- Letting go of guilt and savoring the little things to experience an enriched life
Annemarie Stolting is passionate about living an intentional life full of meaning and purpose. She hosts the podcast “Let’s Slow Down” – a space for meaningful discussions on the benefits and daily habits of slow living. She lives out in the country of New Jersey (yes, you read that right!) with her husband, 3 children and 2 rescue dogs. In her spare time she enjoys reading, taking walks in nature, and music. She cannot live without dark chocolate, peanut butter or wine!
You can find her on Instagram @letsslowdown2023
Grab the MotherGlow Activation Meditation, to release stress and embody calm, so that you can fall in love with the journey of motherhood!